Saturday, December 25, 2004

let's all get merry

5 minutes until christmas...guess now is as good as time as ever to get this blog thing started!! christmas resolution (i heard on the news the other day that something like 99 percent of resolutions are broken...instead you should make goals...and if knew the difference between goals and resolutions I would be all over it)...:
1) keep this blog updated.

check. far so good...
right NOW i'm sitting....watching my dad watch t.v....okay...too updated for you?? TOO BAD. kidding...this will be so much more exciting when i get to australia...instead it will mention something about me sitting watching my dad watching 40 degree weather listening to the waves on the beach...jealous? that's can live vicariously through me...i don't mind :P i said...try and keep updated...feel free to let me in on your lives...i think there's a guestbook thingy where people can leave messages and we can all share our'll be fun...all warm and fuzzy like. There will be lots of pictures once I get my laptop hooked up to the internet...OOH! it's 12:00--->CHRISTMAS!

enjoy the day... love your family (and friends),


P.S. I promise to be more to the point in future blogs... :D

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