Saturday, January 13, 2007

Time to play catch up...

Alrighty, i've finally sat myself down in front of a semi decent computer and am going to resume the blog...i've got tons to write about, but i think i'll start the most recent and work backwards...

okay...current situation: just got into laos this morning...due to my lack of planning (flying by the seat of my pants has been the name of the game since i got back from nepal, and it's working out fabulously...97 percent of the time)....i ended up at the lao/thailand border at 4am, alone, sitting in the dark, with some random guard dog barking at me, trying to fall asleep on some random stone bench. i blame the bus system...the local VIP buses (think: A/C, fully reclining seats, a stewardess that brings you food, toilet, no foreigners-hence absolutely no english, but a lot of friendly locals who notice you're not back on the bus yet after the dinner break (which is at 11:30pm...) and make sure the bus doesn't leave without you...oops)..are super efficient (read:really really fast), so if they say you'll arrive at 6, you end up arriving two hours earlier. anyways, i got into the capital, vientiane and am enjoying the slow pace of life. not much to do here except wander aound the market, see more wats (temples), and try and learn the basics of a new language...again :D i'm trying, but it seems to me that everyone who's said 'hi' to me has said it in a different way. oh, and of course, as everywhere, i look like a local, so everyone speaks to me in laos :D
this sleepy city is a nice change, especially since i was just in bangkok and hit up a few of the bars and need a break...see next post.

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