Sunday, February 25, 2007

reverse culture shock - where am i?

I have returned to Canada!! ..and all that comes with it (expensive food, western style toilets, windchill, and no food on a stick).

if anyone's still following the blog, i'll be posting the rest of my adventures this week...the last month of my trip was one crazy ride, traveling all the way down vietnam, then through cambodia and then flying to the thai beaches for one last hurrah. upon return, alanna met me in new york for a week of acclimatization, theand now i'm in guelph for a week before heading back to ottawa. i still plan on going to south america next month..i'll keep you updated.

finally, i'll leave some notes/advice for those who are planning on doing a similar trip in the future...and of course, if there's anything you need, drop me a line and i will do all i can to help!

1 comment:

Colin Chan said...

Hey Kim! Welcome back to the frozen arctic tundra (aka Canada). I bet you're glad to be home...what do you mean you're going to South's not THAT cold!