Friday, March 30, 2007

Guess where Kim is..

so....lots to say since i last left off (and i swear, one day i will finish off the rest of my SE Asia blog...still lots of awesome stories to tell you guys)

i came home, went to new york for a weekend with Alanna, went home for a week, then went to Edmonton to visit a grad was superb, and i´ll be moving out west in june!

now, on the fun note...since i figured out all the grad school stuff, and i still had two months to myself, i decided to fly to south america. yes...i am currently in buenos aires, argentina, where i am learning spanish, volunteering with a company called LIFE argentina, and enjoying the life of the locals, (porteños)...

already i´ve fallen behind on bloggage....i´ve been here for a week and so much has happened!! i´m living in a house (rez, essentially) with approx 20 other people who are in various stages of university, learning spanish, working, or volunteering...pretty much everyone is an american, and i´ve learnt to live with it :) hahah, but really, a lot of the people in my house have turned out to be cool people, and apparently a new batch of people are coming in this weekend...woot!
so...south america...i didn´t do any research at all before coming here, but it´s a pretty damn sweet continent. buenos aires is a fairly modern city, with really unique neighbourhoods, really wicked people (they are apparently the most egotistical of all the south americans, but they are really helpful and nice people), cheap food (steak, steak, steak, steak...for like 5 bucks), great wine (a bottella for 2 dollars), and a nightlife second to none. people are super fashionable here, but everyone looks unique, so it´s fabulous. the main things i had to get used to were :

1) the´s really different from everywhere else, and since i didn´t speak any spanish when i got here, i´ve had to learn quickly!! luckily i´ve been taking 4 hours a day since i got here, so it´s improving rapidly...4 hours of someone speaking to you in a foreign language is pretty intense though, by the end my brain is leaking out my ear. i´d suggest 2 hours classes to anyone who ever wants to do them...
no worries though, over the past few months i´ve gotten really good at communicating via arm flailing, so that helps too. man though, these porteños speak freakin´fast....and they drop their ´S´ when they speak so it´s even harder! (like..they would say ´whi-key´instead of ´whiskey´)

2) the late...and i mean LATE nights. people eat dinner around 9pm here (at the EARLIEST), but often i don´t eat until 11 at a restaurant! and then, the bars definitely do not start until 2pm, and even that´s a little early to be arriving. so, basically you get home at like, 8am.

3) the meat...they LOVE meat, and it´s so ridiculous cheap and amazing here...steaks are huge, juicy, and amazing.

4) the lack of peanut butter...but luckily i´ve got someone bringing me some from australia in a few weeks!

so far i´ve gone salsa dancing (and i´m in love with it..will start taking lessons next week), hit up some of the wicked markets in the barrios (crazy cute neighbourhoods with tons of character), gotten lots of cab driver´s numbers (the women here are not .... fun? they are really nice, but in that laid back cool kinda way, so people seem to really like the incessant chatter, despite that fact that is super broken spanish), been introduced to some of the best food i´ve ever eaten, volunteered at a hospital playing with kids on dialysis, in a poorer neighbourhood where we´ve given the kids birthday parties, and teaching english.
last night i hit up the casino with some friends and it was fabulous...we played blackjack cause it involved the least knowledge of spanish vocab, and i won 72 pesos...which is about 25 bucks.. which is like, 3 good steak meals with wine and dessert. unfortunately the 3 chicas i went with all lost their money, but it´s all good, it was still worth it cause they keep serving you free drinks...hahah :)
the only thing that´s been crappy so far has been the was perfect, then started raining...and when it rains here, it freakin´POURS... my friend and i got caught coming home from sushi one night, and we were about 2 minutes away from home. we decided to wait for a second before heading out into it, but then the streets started flooding...i´m not even kidding. water was gushing by in rivers and coming out of door stoops in waterfalls. in the 2 minutes it took to run home i managed to take a dive in the middle of the street and got completely soaked. luckily, it only lasted one night, but it´s been a steady rain ever since...can everyone please cross their fingers for me and hope for the sunny weather to come back?
anyways, pictures will get posted early next camera and this computer aren´t compatible apparently...i´m going out of town this weekend to mendoza with some wine country. danger.


Unknown said...

awesome steak?!? sounds like my paradise.. ok now i have to add this to my list of places to visit...mmmmm
i'm glad its going so wonderfully, it sounds amazing! and good job on your gambling experience it sounds like an improvement from ours a few years ago hahahah. :) much love!

Unknown said...

I crossed my fingers praying for good weather for you and us. Gotten a lot of cab drivers' phone numbers???? What's that all about? Why? What? Who? When? How? I've been working 17 hours a day since last week (and this week is the last) so my brain is not functioning well too........Ciao, no, not ciao, what's bye in Spanish, I forgot, I never learn to tell the truth......your mama, MWAH !!!!