Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Meet the Ongs!

A few weeks ago I had the chance to go have an extended lunch at my grandma's place. 4 hours of 20 some odd members of family coming and going (I have lots of cousins! And they all have partners! So I can't actually remember who is related to me and who isn't! No matter. They were all nice.)

My grandma's short term memory is getting a bit thin, so she doesn't remember my last visit 5 years ago. So really, the last time she saw me was when I was 3. She kept saying over and over again to my dad (in Chinese), "This is your daughter?? You have a daughter? She's so big!"

Some of my family (grandma on left):

It appears I was the only one drinking beer.

Most of the time we stood by the window and watched people walk in and out of the house. This is my grandma's usual hang-out (she's in there somewhere, sitting on her chair)

We also ate. 5 meals. In a row.

Meal 1: Roti prata (curry with delicious chewy roti bread...a local favourite (I love it as a late night snack))

Meal 2: Fish head soup (I didn't eat much of it because I couldn't figure out how to actually get the fish meat off the damn thing)

Meal 3: Sushi made by my aunt (one of them had really large tentacles)

Meal 4: 'Canadian' pizza (in honour of me!)
(At this exact moment I was thinking, "Oh my god, it's exactly like Canada! But with canned mushrooms!")

Most of them have never seen snow, so I invited them to Canada. They sounded keen. You may be seeing 20 Ongs on my doorstep next year!

P.S. this site is driving me crazy. It's great in that it's free, but it's an ongoing struggle of "publish, edit, publish, edit" because you can't get a good preview of what the page will actually look like...the formatting makes no sense to me. Anyone have a better suggestion?

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