Friday, May 27, 2005

just kidding. THIS one is about last night.

two in one day...shocking.

last night i went to a party at one of the was pretty rocking. a little too rocking...i had to go to the lab at 8 this morning to count larva (woot), and i forgot to set my alarm, so i got up at 7:56am, ran around looking for my pants from the night before cause they had my keys in them, couldn't find them, so i left without them and ran to school (and got a free bus ride out of it..i think the driver took pity on me). got into lab, where tom proceeded to ask me if i had poured a bottle of vodka in my hair (no, i hadn't), and counted my larva. got out, had to finish two papers (on ... oh my god, i can't remember what they were on...symbionts! they were on symbionts!), and then had to go back to count larva again at noon...where is this story going? oh yeah, i was walking home and talking to my friend on my cell phone, when i realized that i was talking REALLY loud and everyone on the street was staring at me...and cursing...okay, they weren't cursing, but they weren't staring nicely. then, i got back to my apartment, in hopes that my roommate was in so he could let me in, when i realized that my keys were in my back pocket (and i had been sitting on them all day without noticing...). and lo and behold, that pair of pants i had lost were on my legs (did i fall asleep with them on, or did i put them on that morning...??)! and life was good again. and then i ate a delicious bowl of salmon chowder and came directly onto the internet to tell all of you the good news. but you were all asleep. except for jerome, who i'm pretty sure doesn't sleep. and....that's all.

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