Friday, May 06, 2005


so i was chiselling off the ice in my freezer today, and it reminded me of home, which led me to thinking about how i miss people, which led me to thinking about how i haven't been keeping in touch, which led me to feeling overwhelmed cause there are way too many people i want to talk to right now, which led me to realize that i should keep my blog up to date....for you, and for myself.

so, here i go....what have i been doing this past month? well, i never finished off my last story of my roadtrip..after melbourne we went to adelaide, and then through the outback to get back to sydney. it was an awesome trip. slept under the stars on the last night (in our cars), it was wonderful. we set up a camp stove and ate under the stars, laid out our towels and relaxed...the next day we woke up and got out of the cars...and found a dismembered kangaroo arm, right where I was sitting....hahahahaha. teaches us to set up camp in the dark. it was the highlight of my trip :D

i'm not even going to attempt to summarize the last month. all you need to know was that it was great, and this month is well on its way to being great also.

last weekend i played at a vball tourny in newcastle, which was awesome, except that i finally bought knee pads and they apparently don't work, cause my knee has a massive bruise going from the middle of my calf up to the middle of my quad. so, i've given up the skirts and shorts for a while cause people will ask if my boyfriend beats me. this weekend, i will be going DIVING WITH SHARKS. how cool is that? i will definitely write a more interesting blog on monday, complete with pictures and everything. i promise. unless i lose my arms (just kidding dad).


quotes of the week: "don't touch me like i'm drunk", "we should all learn how to speak dolphin", "excuse me, i don't know how to use this stapler, could you help me?", " 'why didn't you do anything for the long weekend?'....'because i had a baby last week' ' must be......tired'", "kim, stop hiding behind me, i'm smaller than you!", "muffin top"

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