Monday, July 25, 2005

coconuts on the trees

alright. where was i last? new zealand...lovely lovely new zealand. okay...hmmmm....since then i have traveled up the coast to sunny cairns, where the beach is made of mud and the town is full of backpackers. a nice place to meet new people...the first night i got in me and the guy sitting beside me on the plane (dan), walked around the city for 2 hours with our packs looking for a place to stay (didn't book ahead...bad kim). finally found a lodge where we stayed for a night with two other guys who also hadn't planned ahead....nice bed though :) had a farewell drink with tom (who had a 30 hour train ride ahead of him), and lay on the median for a while chilling out. a good place to talk, let me tell yah. met meike the next day and went to a reef talk, by paddy o' something...the irish are crazy, and irish marine biologists even crazier. he was the most animated person i've ever met...sometimes to the point where i couldn't even listen to what he was talking about and just watched him jump around and hit things. chilled out with dan and our other roomate, amir from isreal. played some cards, talked (pop quiz alanna...what does it mean if someone british says i'm on the apples?, or let's have a butcher?) meike and i went to the daintree rainforest (cape tribulation) for a couple days, and sadly, it rained the WHOLE TIME. so, instead of getting all our clothes wet, we just walked around in our bikinis while everyone around us were wearing rainjackets and layers and hats and stuff. had some fun playing on the beach, had a mudfight in the ocean, watched crabs catapult little balls of sand from their holes, saw a flat frog, a feral pig...and then found out later that day that we were playing in crocodile territory. we weren't in much danger, since people walk to the swimming hole all the time...but still.... also went to a exotic fruit eating, love soursop and custard apples, opened some coconuts (well, meike did),went on a crocodile tour (say one croc and some snakes). met some cool people, had drinks with a south african fellow from the navy (liked to call people "pork chops"...hahah), a couple scottish girls. after those two days i headed off to port douglas, a lovely town that i would like to revisit someday. went on a dive tour, and a few minutes after takeoff in the boat, people started throwing up cause it was crazy wavy. luckily, i overdosed myself on motion sickness pills and was totally fine...for the first time in my life! i was so proud of myself :) the diving was okay, but not great visibility cause it had been raining and was really windy, and didn't really get a chance to see anything new...saw some sharks, cuttlefish, etc. meh. not as cool as tom...he got to dive with whales! awesome. should've dished out the extra 600 dollars....anyways, i'm back in cairns now and today i will plan the rest of my weeks..or at least tomorrow :) i'm not sure how to get pictures posted on here without the Hello program, so you may have to wait until i get back into syd, in two or three weeks...sorry guys!
piece of advice: try and do something new everyday. and keep me posted :)


1 comment:

Unknown said...

hey kim!
Glad to hear about you're crazy adventures. I'm in meaford right now, woot! the weddding was this weekend and was really fun, open bar, and there were 3 groomsmen and only 2 bridesmaids, so i got escorted down the aisle by two guys - one us army, one tuxedo. =) funtimes. oh and then me and kelly, the other bridesmaid, rigged the bouquet/garter throwing, so that i blocked people so she could get the bouquet and her boyfriend blocked so jerome could get the garter. it was quite hilarious, the copious amounts of rum that we consumed may have helped! anywho, I'll see you soon! miss you lots!