Wednesday, July 13, 2005

country music capital and sheep and kiwis

HAPPY BIRTHDAY old are you now,....30?

for my dad's birthday i threw myself headfirst into a 143m canyon. don't worry dad..i'm being safe. my legs were tied to a cord. it's all good.
new zealand is AMAZING. soooo gorgeous...we drive through and are surrounded by huge snow capped mountains and waterfalls every day. i'm currently in queenstown, adrenaline capital of the world....i've been on a tour traveling through new zealand....seen some pretty amazing things. no penguins yet though laura....i think yesterday may have been my last hope :( climbed fox glacier a couple days crampons (the pokey things on the bottom of your boots) and everything...even managed to not stab myself in the leg! did a short walk through the rainforest and saw glowworms (who are really just fly larvae that don't have waste holes, so they have to break it down inside them...and then when they turn into flies they don't have mouths, and eventually just get eaten by their own larvae....kinda makes you wonder what the point of them are...)
last week i was in tamworth (country music capital) at unigames, where my volleyball team (sydney uni) won first (woot!). slept in tents cause all the motels were booked was pretty damn cold (5degrees each night), but luckily we spent lots of time in warm pubs :) it was one big to see Thirsty Merc play, an awesome australian band who i gather are getting bigger...great concert, rocked out right at the front...

awesome pics to come soon.


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