Tuesday, June 28, 2005

put on the wetsuits again...

today was a big step up from yesterday...yesterday i sat at home and watched 4 movies. and of those 4, thomas crown affair was two of them. meaning that i watched it twice...no comment. anyways, today i went white water rafting with Sam from volleyball and her friends. it was crazy fun. much different from the rafting i had done before...this was on a course where the olympic stuff was done....first time round we managed to capsize the boat....no matter though, we all managed to get really good at falling off the boat. surprisingly, i didn't take too many people down with me as i fell...also got to play beach volleyball while we were waiting. really doesn't get much better than that. wait..it does...THEN, we went to krispy kreme (danger.) and us four girls ended up buying a dozen donuts each. don't worry, i haven't touched them...much. a couple of days ago we had my last volleyball party...sat in the pokies room (a room in every bar that has slot machines) and chilled until the bar closed (10pm...), and then headed off to our friends place, where we got stuck in the elevator, then ate jaffles (toasted sandwiches), ate nutella (mmmm.....), drank beer, watched the dubbed italian version of hercules, and then crashed. good times. so sad that volleyball is over for me here in sydney, and i probably won't play again til....PICK-UP....woooooot.

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