Sunday, June 19, 2005

more pics and more ramblings

last night watched eurotrip, which was surprisingly good ("scotty doesn't know", our new theme song...and by "our" I mean sonia and I, cause we're an old married couple....), and then went out to scubar, one of the many backpacker bars here in sydney for a beer (okay, i'll be honest here...the only reason we went is cause we had a coupon...and everyone knows how much i like to use coupons). met a group of people and one of the guys is an abseiling instructor (going down vertical cliff thingies with harnesses), and he offered to take me next saturday!! yeah!! how awesome is that? hope that pans out...
i'm really tired and sore right now cause i was at the gym (in Olympic park) all day playing volleyball...I'm trying to wake myself up cause Meike, Sonia, and Madu and Vic are coming over and me and Sonia are making dinner for them...anyone have any ideas? me and sonia went to paddy's market yesterday and bought A MILLION vegetables (my fridge looks so happy!), so we're thinking stir fry. there is a thai dish that i've made a few times and Madu really likes it, but i'm thinking i should make her something different...we'll see how lazy i am (also not in the greatest mood - we lost both our games). thinking i'm just going to chill out tonight, do some studying and maybe watch ANOTHER movie...last week i was a total bum and spent WAYYY too much time on the comp - i spent a day on (so interesting), then next on (so mindnumbing), then spent hours guessing the world flags with meike, and yesterday sonia and I sat here and did stupid things.

i did think of more funny things from this week, too...
Amy (my twin): "hey, does what type of meat does that sausage have, I don't eat beef"
Kim: "let me check...(checks package) *cough* probably shouldn't eat it, it says "69% meat"".

(when out at a bar in king's cross)
Sonia (festive): "hey, i want to stay until the ugly lights come on"
Kim: "no king's cross the ugly lights are the sun"

peace, happiness, and fluffy white bunnies,

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