Saturday, June 25, 2005

5 cappucinos later...

finished exams yesterday, so me and sonia decided to go to the casino (at 3pm) cause we heard we could get free drinks. so we went, signed up for members passes, and we also got 10 dollars of free gambling money each....but the free drinks didn't kick in for 2 hours, so we had some time to spare...ten minutes later we had managed to spend all of the money on button mashing at the slots (we stopped when three dollars fell out of the machine)...what is going on with those machines? they make more sense on tv... and one losing ten dollar bet on roulette (i streeted it...*cough*) we wandered around darling harbour for a couple hours and then came back and downed 5 cappucinos...which sonia payed for dearly...she is now a zombie and can't sleep (a day later). i felt drunk after so much caffeine, so needless to say we had a nice walk home involving balloons, rain, chinatown, and a videocamera.
went to the bar last night and ended up at three wise monkeys, where we hung out with some friends and had to say goodbye to some of them (*sniff*...), though i don't know if bernd got on the plane....he was still drunk when we sent him home at 4, and he had to catch a plane at 7 for's kinda depressing....i'm still meeting new people who i really want to get to know, but i have to keep telling myself that i leave sydney in a week...crazy...

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