Saturday, December 02, 2006

scaring away the tourists

no matter where in asia i am, everyone seems to think i'm a local. some of the white tourists are scared of me...yesterday i asked them (in english), where the money exchange was, and they pretended to not know english...i say "pretended" cause later on i walked past them and i heard them speaking english!! hahah...and all the thais are always speaking to me in thai, and they probably think i'm super rude cuase i never acknowledge them...and then i say something in english to them, and i become this amazing oddity...yesterday i was in a motorcycle taxi and the guy who was driving me stopped everytime we passed one of his friends and pointed at me and said something in thai, after which the other guy would stare/laugh and test out the theory by saying somthing english to me (in one case "yo, what's up"...very odd coming from a thai)...hahah, good times :D

1 comment:

Amanda Wong said...

Man, that totally happened to me when I was in Asia. Japanese people spoke Japanese to me, people in mainland China spoke Mandarin to me. Thank God I understand Cantonese when we got to Hong Kong. :D