Sunday, December 10, 2006

Trials and Tribulations

if you know me, you know i'm prone to danger in physically manifesting are a few of things i've managed to do so far...

arm: puking-kayak injury,

leg: rockclimbing/fending off monkey injury,

back: exposed skin attracting mosquito injury.

shockingly, i haven't been horribly sick yet - i've managed to drop a pill on the ground in a random malaysian food stall (and eat it - those things are hard to come by here!) and crawled under a dirty bungalow twice cause i dropped the key and my earrings through the floor slats...just to name a couple..


Unknown said...

it breaks mommmy's heart to see all those bruises and bites, ouch, get them off you quick. By the way it's Dec 29 today, WHERE ARE YOU NOW? I'm getting worried. Love ya. Mommy dearest

R&S_Go_To_Vancouver said...

*chuckle* classic kim.