Monday, January 01, 2007

let my poor calves rest.

hello everybody!!!!


*phew* now that that's out of the way...

i'm very sorry for my has been due to a 21 day trek through the mountains of nepal, which definitely was not conducive to doing anything involving electricity (i.e. emailing, blogging, or taking hot showers on a regular basis).

secondly, thank you SOOO much to those who emailed me while i was away, even though i was rudely not respoding. i have been sitting here reading through the cards and emails and am counting myself lucky to have all of you be such amazing friends and people and i love you :)

last of all, i will slowly begin blogging again and responding to emails, which may take a bit of time since 1) internet works at about the pace of ...something really slow 2) it's hard to find a decent keyboard 3) i'm traveling...i have better things to do (just kidding...kinda :) ), but mostly 4) i haven't sat in front of a computer for weeks and the thought of fighting with this particular computer for the next 19 hours (the time it would take to adequately respond to emails and post blogs) might actually kill me. oh, and i'm tired. so so tired.

so, as a bit of a teaser, i will tell you i'll talk about donkeys, cold showers, cool people, muscles beyond soreness, dal bhat, maoists, apple fritters, donkey poo, snickers bars, the new james bond movie, and more.

so happy to be back in contact with people i love :)

that is all for now.


Unknown said...

21 day mountain trek thru Nepal? Sounds as intense as I would expect from you...I guess you needed some exercise after hanging out on the beach ;)

Colin Chan said...

Happy New Year Kim!

If this keeps up, you're going to need a vacation after this trip :)

As for the lack of electricity in Nepal, sounds like I'll have to scratch it off my list of places to visit, but I'll wait to hear about your wacky adventures first. Did the donkeys at least carry either you or your stuff?

BTW, thanks for the postcard!

toriah said...

hey kim
its your cousin Toriah!!! Hope your doing well! Your second mother (aunty jeanette) hopes your having a great time and misses you.
Haydyn is getting huge and barely carryable (think that's a word). Can't wait to see you and hear about your travels when you get back.
Love Toriah, Gerritt, Haydyn and of course Quincy oh and Aunty Jeanette and Uncle Tom.

Unknown said...

kim check your email