Wednesday, November 22, 2006

I love NY...cheesecake

so ash/dad/i got into kuala lampur, malaysia's capital today....however, i didn't get a chance to make a NY entry (due to really expensive by the minute internet), so that's first...malaysia later (not much to say now anyways).

so, my dad and i went to new york for essentially 48 hours...and i feel as though that was enough to see most of the important things...thanks lauren for the advice about gray line bus! did all the newyorky-type things via a hop-on, hop-off tour bus (and was in a hotel in times square)...first thing we saw when we got in was a new york towing, then i dragged my dad into victoria secret, saw Ground was a bit shocking at first cause when we got to the site, there were people selling cheap knockoff goods all around it, and it was really dishearting cause i didn't see any type of memorial or seemed really disrepectful. then, we came around the corner and there were pictures and a memorial for those involved in or died in 9/11...some of the pics were really powerful. anyways, other new york stuff...saw MACYs (hit up all 9 floors just to say i had seen all of macys), saw rockefeller centre (tree is up!! but no lights :( and it was covered in construction so it wasn't so fun...going to miss snow for christmas), central park, manhattan bridge ( high, especially when you're sitting on an open air top level of a bus), saw a taxi ram into another taxi and saw a real live taxi driver fight...and of course, the highlight...$8.95 new york worth it.
also, saw the blue man group for free!! "volunteered" (i.e. told people to turn left or right) ....and got an amazing front was amazing...definitely recommended to anyone and everyone. then, went for sushi and sake with my dad...mmmmmm...raw fish and strong wine.
so far, pretty tame york was a pretty fun place to visit, but i think the real adventure starts today...


Colin Chan said...

Malaysia? See, with family and having spent time there, you'd think that I would have some suggestions, but I'm currently drawing a blank. Knowing you, I'm sure you'll find something fun to do :)

Oh, and thanks a lot. Now I have to go around and find some strawberry cheesecake, of course I have to settle for the Toronto variety :)

Unknown said...

that's my daughter, volunteering during travelling....although with a purpose for the front row seats to see those blue guys banging whatever.....chaud ya....your mama