Thursday, November 23, 2006

Kuala Lumpur...and beyond!

hahah, i just spent a good 15 minutes trying to figure out how to post cause this computer is set for some sort of asian language...good things this are SO CHEAP here, otherwise i'd be angry. except that it's pretty much impossible to be angry when you're is good.

so, ash, my dad, and i have spent the past 2 days here in kuala lampur, the capital of malaysia. It's a huge city, so there's a mix of old dilapidated buildings, and skyscrapers...and really, mostly all there is to do is shop and eat. both of which are so ridiculously cheap...eating 8 meals a day of delicious amazing food will only set you back like, 2 dollars a meal...and we're talking about fairly large meals here. freshly squeezed fruit drinks and smoothies are around a dollar...i'm in heaven. then, you hit up the shopping malls (there are like, 6 huge ones in a row right by where we are living), and there are seriously hundreds (maybe thousands?? i'm pretty bad at estimating..)of stores in one mall...ash and i hit up every floor of one of the malls and i'd guess we MAY have gone into like, 40% of the stores and it took us a whole day...anyways, i'm pretty sick of the city, but it was nice to stop off here for a couple days...just enough time to get used to the hawker stalls (the food stalls that are at every possible turn) and the people (they are really into "customer service", which equals following you around like a shadow as soon as you enter the store...going into a store is an have to make sure not to dwell too long on any particular item, or you will be pressured into trying it on...even if it's 9 sizes too small, as most of the cases are...but still, they are good intentioned and very kind, if not a bit aggressive...makes sense since they only make like, 4.5 ringgits per hour (approx 1.5 dollars), and probably live off commission??)

anyways, the wonderfulness of backpacking has meant that we have no plans, no schedules, and no worries...ash and i decided yesterday to go to Borneo...crazy eh? we leave this afternoon...will report back in when i can (hopefully with pics of orangutans and other crazy things!)

(pic: ash, my roomate in guelph and travel buddy in s.e. asia)
(pic 2: us eating in an open air hawker stall in fabulous warm kuala lampur)


Meggie said...

Hello there Kim! Man, am I jealous :P I just spent two full days managing classes on my own because my teacher was out and the substitute just sat at the desk the whole time... so much for observing the first week. I had to tell kids to stop playing with a dirty condom they found on the floor of the classroom, I yelled at a class to SHUT UP... (I don't think you're supposed to do that...), I threatened, I almost cried in front of them, I spent 3 hours planning a lesson and all I heard was, "This is stupid", "Why do we have to do this?", "This is borning," and I tried to run a chemistry modeling activity with wooden balls and springs when all they could talk about was "Brad's touching my balls", "Brittany is playing with my balls", "Tim likes my balls," "I have blue balls,", "Can you really get blue balls?". AAAAHHHH. Sorry... :P I wish I was over in another continent right now! Sounds like you are having an awesome time right now though! YEAH! (I knew you would of course, you have such a sense of adventure!). NY sounds like a lot of fun... you crammed a lot in, and I think it sounds like a fun place to go... having honestly never really considered it before, but now you've peeked my curiousity... hahaha. Take care Kim! :) Miss you.

Unknown said...

Hi Kim, hope this came as a surprise to you, your mum told me about your blog so I look it up immediately, by the way, this is auntie Lily from Hong Kong, can't believe your boldness,travelling to all these places on your own or should I say with another brave girl, but I am sure it will be life time remembering event for you. Nice to see your face again, uncle Sunny and myself will be going to Egypt next week for 9 days, not on our own but with a tour, I haven't had a long holiday for over a year hopefully I'll enjoy this coming trip. anyway just a few word to keep in touch and also wishing all the happiness in the new year and most of all enjoy your trip and adventure.