Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Whatever you do, don't make eye contact with the naughty monkeys...

man, i really wanted to see what happened if one made eye contact with the monkeys...unfortunately, i didn't get my rabies shot before i left...and ash did, but i couldn't convince her to stare down a monkey.
monkeys were the main event at Bako National Park...proboscis (the kinds with long funny noses), and...some other type, who were equally cute. they were pretty used to tourists so they strayed pretty close (like, touchable distance if we tried...), and we were told to 1) not leave items unattended (read: keep passport close to body), and 2) not make intense eye contact with the monkeys...or they would chase you.
we did the Limtang path, which basically featured almost every type of plant seen in Borneo the first day, then crashed cause it was so hot and a pretty strenuous walk. A cute group of malaysian tourists were in the room beside us and were nice enough to bring us a mosquito coil (and light it for us, even though we really didn't have anywhere to put it and didn't really need it in the house) and kept knocking on our door to show us things (like the huge wild boar that roams around the grounds). they were very adorable...though they kept making some crazy sounds, kinda like they were moshing in their room...they didn't really seem like the moshing type though. ah yes, and they wanted to take their picture with us cause we're giants...kinda like people want to take their pictures with the bearded lady, or the sword swallower.
the next day we hiked to one of the waterfalls, which we had to ourselves (still very few tourists..) and got to play in cool, refreshing water...beautiful...a nice change from being covered in a film of sweat (don't worry, we regained our sweat layer as soon as we started walking again). so far i've been the mosquito magnet (as per usual) far i'm running at 70 mosquito bites versus ashleigh's 3. and i've even been wearing repellant, and she hasn't. life is so unfair. but, luckily we have Mister Potato chips, 100% imported potatoes for crispierness to make me happy :D gotta love the rando foods stop: Bangkok in Thailand!

Bye Malaysia!

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