Monday, February 28, 2005

couch hopping

hey guys,

happy to have finally found a place to call my own...a flat at the edge of campus, close to the city, and has an awesome balcony. i can stop this crazy couch hopping (thank you eline and rose, sonja, and max). ate thai last night and vegetarian dim sum for lunch...i don't think i've eaten so much ethnic food my entire life (then again ash - "we're getting chinese food tonight; or as kim calls it, 'food'".) hard to get away from's cheap, it's easy, it's good quality, and it comes in huge quantities. can't wait to start making my own dinners though...anyone have any good recipes to pass along? i think i left my pile of papers (on which have my recipes) shoved into our recipe drawer (sorry roomies..) sure hope you're making me proud and making hundreds of cookies back in guelph. had some good conversation about our different countries last night (compared our t.v. shows - apparently german's have a cartoon about a loaf of bread named Burnt...sounds reminiscent of sponge bob) (oh, and burnt is the name of one of our international friends, so that was a nice source of amusement too). then we intended to go to a short film festival but we went to the wrong side of the water, so we bought gelatissimo and sat on the ground in front of the opera house and listened to the music coming across the water. ate a million pounds of ice cream yesterday...tofu ice cream is surprisingly delicious. meg, you should try some...i'll try and bring some back for yah but first you have to send me a snowball cause i miss snow ;) then, went back and sat around someone's room and chilled and talked for longer...then i crashed on his couch. supposed to stay at sonia's place, but her floor isn't overly comfortable (think concrete floor with thin layer of carpet over it) so i just crashed on max's couch. 5 mins after sonia left the room she was back (they live in a hotel...well, it's part hotel, part student's all part of this city thing i think), and she ended up having to stay in max's room too cause her card demagnetized so she couldn't get in. i thought it was all terribly funny..luckily there's a whole bunch of beds and a couch so we all had a nice place to sleep. having a great time...can relax now i found a place. going surfing on sat/sun and orientation is wed-fri...woooot.

apparently i'm missing a jack johnson concert here :( new cd coming out...jon sent me "better together" and it's got a cute instrumental part in it...thoroughly enjoyable

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