Monday, February 28, 2005

let's play a game

my cousin had this on his site and i thought it might be fun...

let's all say ten things about ourselves...5 which are true, and 5 which are false. post the answers a week later. let's see how well we know each other....!! comment on which numbers you think are true and which are false, but DON'T provide explanations so everyone can play. some of these are tricky...

1. I sleep with a brown stuffed dinosaur that I've had since I was 3, and his name is Doby.

2. I've never broken a bone in my own body.

3. The white shell necklace that I wear all the time is from Acapulco.

4. My favourite t.v. show is the O.C.

5. My favourite animal is the emu because it is so cute.

6. I'm afraid of cable cars, cockroaches, and porcelain dolls.

7. I used to play the flute.

8. I've never been to France.

9. the misuse of "there", "their", and "they're" is a pet peeve of mine.

10. i believe that there is one true love for every person.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

i dunno, i'd have to say that 1,3,4,5,8 are false and 2,6,7,9,10 are true, do we get prizes? like cookies?!? or just get in trouble if we're wrong? congrats on finding a place to live btw!!!