Saturday, February 26, 2005

skype rocks

just had a nice little chat with ashleigh...she ended up having to speak whale (a la dory), but good anyways. it's been a really good past three days...went to coogee beach yesterday for a bbq (some foreign looking sausage on a huge bun and watermelon...mmmm...), but didn't go into the water cause there were little bluebell jellyfish everywhere...i hear their sting is quite nasty. went to manly beach the day before (i know, it's a tough life), and got a chance to enjoy the really hot weather...the waves were awesome...can't wait to learn how to surf...which is potentially happening on monday and tuesday! woooooot! plus, we got to play frisbee on the beach and in the water, which is always good times. i'm not much of a suntanner..which should be no surprise to anyone that has seen me, but the beach is always good times.
went out last night...i'm beginning to see why people like the city...there's always something going on! we walked around and checked out lots of bars (apparently one bar for every 50 people) and jumped in whenever it seemed hopping enough. we also walked down to darling harbour (the ritzier area by the water) and sat and had a few drinks there...actually, i lie, we only had one drink because a cocktail was 16 dollars! though, i think you also pay for the entertainment cause the bartenders are very Tom Cruise in Cocktail. all the major attractions in sydney are so close together...makes it easy to go wherever you feel like at any time...and i'm not sure if bars ever close. for some reason i doubt it.
been hanging out with lots of's been really good..especially since i find that a lot of the international students are only spending time with people from their own country. especially the americans, but i suppose it's harder for them to hang out with other people since like, 400 of the 500 international students are american...they really come in full force. i learned that doggie bags are a big no-no in europe. i must keep that in mind...
i've also become quite proficient at using a mobile (cell phone). i can even SMS (text message). this makes me a little sad...but i see why people are so obssessed with it. i find myself using it so many times in one call landlords, to tell my cousins where i am, to call people when we're supposed to meet up and they're lost (or i'm lost), etc etc etc. unfortunately this kind of thing is really expensive here in oz (something crazy like 60 cents a minute), so i've been eating away at phone cards. having mobiles also means that people don't have to be as organized, so that means that our 12 person group takes at least an hour to decide anything and finally meet up...i like the good ol' days when everything was planned ahead and you knew exactly when to meet and who you were meeting with and if someone was late, they got left behind. it's a cruel world. or used to be, anyways.
anyways, things are really going here makes me so happy :)

miss you guys,


p.s send me pictures if you have some!

1 comment:

Neal Yonson said...

It took me a little while to figure out what exactly Skype was. First I thought is was some small town somewhere but then you said you were in Sydney. So then I thought it was a really cool band that was playing in one of the bars. But that didn't sound quite right either... yes, I live in the dark ages, apparently. "Telephony", what the heck is that? I miss those good ol' days of ditching people too.

Ugh, why would anybody want a bartender like Tom Cruise in Cocktail? Piper Perabo in Coyote Ugly, hellooooo!!!! :p :p