Wednesday, February 23, 2005

i'm sad that no one is responding..

but i will forge on anyways. i guess more for my sake than yours. but to those who haven't made any comments yet, i think blogger doesn't insist on your signing up anymore (sorry to all those who already did). so pppllllleeeassseeeee write something...mostly cause it makes me feel better...okay...ONLY cause it makes me feel better :)

anyways, lots to talk about. orientation for international students has begun! which means i've actually had time to meet people and have some fun. unfortunately fun must be cut short every night for me cause i live so far away from the city and my family doesn't like it when i come home late cause their area is quite dangerous. so, i've found ways around that and i'm crashing at people's places til i FINALLY find my own place. finding a place has been a bit of a soap opera in itself. i thought i had found a place in an apartment with two guys i had met at the orientation, but when they went to go see it (i couldn't go), it ended up not being furnished...and somewhere along the way the two guys had a bit of a falling out. so, they don't really talk, but they still want to find a place with, i'm just going to avoid the drama and find my own place. people are starting to break down here. it's so frustrating finding a place and lots of us haven't found anything yet. it's not easy like it is at home...but, i'm holding up and just looking the future (surfing, baby). WOOOOOT.
i signed up for a drawing class!! i said, "screw it, i'm not doing all hard courses" i chose drawing. they can't fail people in a drawing class, right? they said you don't have to have any experience, so i figure that's right down my alley!! i can't believe i get credit for wicked.
last night we went out for drinks at darling harbour. drinks were great, the harbour was beautiful (in that city kind of way), and the company was good...however, getting there was a bit of a story. so let me tell it to you... first, i had to get to my friend's place to drop off my bags for the next day (cause i had enrolment). so, i go to train station and it says it's going to come in 3 minutes. 3 minutes later nothing shows up and the screen now says it never existed. fine. so, 17 more minutes to wait. 5 minutes later i look up at the screen and there are 17 minutes to wait. strange. 5 minutes later i look up again and there are 20 minutes to wait. even stranger. 15 minutes later there are 17 minutes to wait. i think maybe it has something to do with being in the south hemisphere. or the fact that the trains suck here. anyways, i take train to central station and run around looking for the platform to take me to green square. i find it and frantically run onto the train. the conductor asks me where i'm going. I reply, "green square". he replies, "get off the train". wrong train. i look at screen and it says that the train going to green square is directly across the previous one mentioned, so i run onto that one. i even ask someone if it's the right one and they tell me yes. then, PA system comes on and i hear "mumble mumble mumble, police, mumble mumble". the guy who told me i was on the right train dashes off the train. i start to worry. he runs back on and tells me to get off. i get off. look at screen, notice the right train is now on the other side, so i run onto opposite train. then, more mumbling and i have to get off again. meanwhile, no one else is running around like my, but there are many people standing looking pissed off. i go ask what the hell is going on and they say that someone is standing in a tunnel somewhere, and the police are trying to get him out, so the trains going that way aren't running...and schedules are changing every 10 seconds. i wait 20 more minutes (i'm already really late) and decide to try my luck with a cab. run outside, catch cab. we drive around for way too long cause he doesn't really know where he's going. then, i call my friends and they tell me they're waiting for me outside their house...funny, cause i'm driving up and down the small road and not seeing them. i ask for intersection, look on map, and drive to that location. and they're not there. so, we're all really confused at this point. then, i notice on the map that there is another street of the same name about 4 streets down...
in addition to all that, my 40-something cab driver asked me on a date. i thought he was joking and laughed at him...but apparently not so much joking. don't worry folks, i used the good ol', "i'm halfway around the world from home and don't want to start a long distance relationship". phew.

1 comment:

Neal Yonson said...

No long-distance relationships!?!?! :(

*frantically runs to the mailbox to retrieve flowers and chocolates*

Anyways, don't be so sad about the no responses. If I had a blog, I'm sure I'd get no comments either. Maybe I have something around here that can cheer you up.(I'm in training, in anticipation of the big inaugural "Inorganic Chemistry Hug-Off" on Monday. Whoever collects the most hugs with just the sign and no talking wins. *fingers crossed* :D)

BTW, " This blog does not allow anonymous comments." so all the lazy bum bums who don't want to sign up can't comment.

Stupid blogger doesn't allow the target="_blank" command either. I learned that command for nothing. booooooo.....