Tuesday, June 28, 2005

put on the wetsuits again...

today was a big step up from yesterday...yesterday i sat at home and watched 4 movies. and of those 4, thomas crown affair was two of them. meaning that i watched it twice...no comment. anyways, today i went white water rafting with Sam from volleyball and her friends. it was crazy fun. much different from the rafting i had done before...this was on a course where the olympic stuff was done....first time round we managed to capsize the boat....no matter though, we all managed to get really good at falling off the boat. surprisingly, i didn't take too many people down with me as i fell...also got to play beach volleyball while we were waiting. really doesn't get much better than that. wait..it does...THEN, we went to krispy kreme (danger.) and us four girls ended up buying a dozen donuts each. don't worry, i haven't touched them...much. a couple of days ago we had my last volleyball party...sat in the pokies room (a room in every bar that has slot machines) and chilled until the bar closed (10pm...), and then headed off to our friends place, where we got stuck in the elevator, then ate jaffles (toasted sandwiches), ate nutella (mmmm.....), drank beer, watched the dubbed italian version of hercules, and then crashed. good times. so sad that volleyball is over for me here in sydney, and i probably won't play again til....PICK-UP....woooooot.

Saturday, June 25, 2005

Your step-by-step guide to eating Tim Tams (aka the most glorious cookie known to man): Step 1. Buy and open Tim Tam packets (at least two is recommended, and of different varieties) Posted by Hello

Step 2: Bite off a little cookie from both ends (must be careful - the tendency is to get carried away and eat the whole cookie) Posted by Hello

Step 3: Dip one end of the cookie into hot liquid (usually tea, but sonia's drink of choice is hot water), and keep the other end in your mouth Posted by Hello

Step 4. Suck. Posted by Hello

Step 5. Quickly shove the melting Tim Tam in your mouth. Posted by Hello

Step 6. Enjoy the gooey aftermath. Posted by Hello

Warning: Tim Tams and tea are addictive. Do not expect to ever maintain any resemblance of a good figure ever again. You have been warned.

Note: Special thanks to model, Sonia, for sacrificing herself to the good cause of making the world a better place through proper tim tam eatage.

us+5 cappucinos = us+2 balloons+chinatown Posted by Hello

5 cappucinos later...

finished exams yesterday, so me and sonia decided to go to the casino (at 3pm) cause we heard we could get free drinks. so we went, signed up for members passes, and we also got 10 dollars of free gambling money each....but the free drinks didn't kick in for 2 hours, so we had some time to spare...ten minutes later we had managed to spend all of the money on button mashing at the slots (we stopped when three dollars fell out of the machine)...what is going on with those machines? they make more sense on tv... and one losing ten dollar bet on roulette (i streeted it...*cough*) we wandered around darling harbour for a couple hours and then came back and downed 5 cappucinos...which sonia payed for dearly...she is now a zombie and can't sleep (a day later). i felt drunk after so much caffeine, so needless to say we had a nice walk home involving balloons, rain, chinatown, and a videocamera.
went to the bar last night and ended up at three wise monkeys, where we hung out with some friends and had to say goodbye to some of them (*sniff*...), though i don't know if bernd got on the plane....he was still drunk when we sent him home at 4, and he had to catch a plane at 7 for cairns....it's kinda depressing....i'm still meeting new people who i really want to get to know, but i have to keep telling myself that i leave sydney in a week...crazy...

Sunday, June 19, 2005

sonja, me, lena, and judith...loving life Posted by Hello

italian alessandro making carbonara at my place Posted by Hello

more pics and more ramblings

last night watched eurotrip, which was surprisingly good ("scotty doesn't know", our new theme song...and by "our" I mean sonia and I, cause we're an old married couple....), and then went out to scubar, one of the many backpacker bars here in sydney for a beer (okay, i'll be honest here...the only reason we went is cause we had a coupon...and everyone knows how much i like to use coupons). met a group of people and one of the guys is an abseiling instructor (going down vertical cliff thingies with harnesses), and he offered to take me next saturday!! yeah!! how awesome is that? hope that pans out...
i'm really tired and sore right now cause i was at the gym (in Olympic park) all day playing volleyball...I'm trying to wake myself up cause Meike, Sonia, and Madu and Vic are coming over and me and Sonia are making dinner for them...anyone have any ideas? me and sonia went to paddy's market yesterday and bought A MILLION vegetables (my fridge looks so happy!), so we're thinking stir fry. there is a thai dish that i've made a few times and Madu really likes it, but i'm thinking i should make her something different...we'll see how lazy i am (also not in the greatest mood - we lost both our games). thinking i'm just going to chill out tonight, do some studying and maybe watch ANOTHER movie...last week i was a total bum and spent WAYYY too much time on the comp - i spent a day on marinebio.com (so interesting), then next on whiteninjacomics.com (so mindnumbing), then spent hours guessing the world flags with meike, and yesterday sonia and I sat here and did stupid things.

i did think of more funny things from this week, too...
Amy (my twin): "hey, does what type of meat does that sausage have, I don't eat beef"
Kim: "let me check...(checks package) *cough* uhhh...you probably shouldn't eat it, it says "69% meat"".

(when out at a bar in king's cross)
Sonia (festive): "hey, i want to stay until the ugly lights come on"
Kim: "no sonia...in king's cross the ugly lights are the sun"

peace, happiness, and fluffy white bunnies,

georg and the boxed wine (aka..."goon" here in australia)  Posted by Hello

potluck later in the night...(left to right and top to bottom): vic and madu (singpore), Judith's friend (dutch), georg (german), sonia (US), meike, sonja, and lena (german), judith (dutch), tine (german) Posted by Hello

georg, gwyllim (sorry if i spelt that wrong), and sonja... Posted by Hello

Saturday, June 18, 2005

eat eat eat

foooood....you know what i really missed? reese's peanut butter cups. A LOT. you know what jenny's boyfriend brought me? TWO BAGS OF THEM (see picture.) so awesome. i jumped him a little when he gave them to me.

this past week has been one big festival of eating...alessandro, my italian friend, came over and made carbonara, and then tom and meike came over and we had a full day affair of making pizza (from scratch!), and then potluck last night, and sonia and i have our meals all planned for today (and it's going to be delicious...). oh, and that doesn't even include the copious amounts of snacking...did i mention that i'm planning to run a 14k in august here in sydney, and a half marathon in january? even if i'm a thousand pounds.

so, uni is over and all i have left is two exams. and, it's official, australian computers hate me as much as canadian ones do...I spent hours and hours writing a report a few days ago on the library, and was almost ready to print it out and hand it in, when, my computer bleeped and then crashed, and my files all went corrupt. the computer guy was able to recover my text, but all my graphs and tables went to bleep. bleepity bleep. luckily i was so jaded cause i had been staring at the screen for so long i didn't really care, but it may have been a different story if i had had to write it again (can you have two "had"s in a row?).

excited to get out of sydney for a while....planes and trips are all booked. go to tamworth for vball tourny ("unigames") 2-9 july, new zealand 10-18, cairns 19th- whenever! how awesome is that?

watched pay it forward yesterday. bawled. i thought it was going to be a feel good movie...speaking of feel good movies, has anyone seen team america? yes, the one with puppets. i know, sounds stupid....but the funniest american satire ever. sooo soooo funny. hahaha, i just read its rating: "Rated R for graphic crude and sexual humor, violent images and strong language - all involving puppets." yes. there are puppets.

and, of course, some quotes of the week:

Meike (because we were talking about how everyone blames germany for everything that happened in the past): "...but Germany is pretty good now", Kim: "YEAH, compared to Hitler." (who, by the way, wasn't German...) *note: this was in a room full of Germans. so it was okay. I swear.

German joke (translated to english): What's the difference between a phone and George Bush? You can redial the phone number if you misdial. (i didn't get it either.)
Another German one: What's the difference between a horse and a convict? A horse breaks out, a convict breaks in. (my god, these are even worse than my jokes...i think they meant to say "adolescent").

Sonia: (looking at the shirt Georg is wearing, which said "placebo") "i like your shirt Georg, you're a placebo?" Georg: "Yeah, people think I help, but I don't".

shout out to alanna, who is in England (how awesome), and to Ms. Rochester for doing a half marathon a few weeks ago....who has now inspired me to start running (now THAT is a feat!). oh, and does anyone want to do some traveling anytime in the next couple years? my dad turned down my plea to go to nepal (inspired by eric), he told me to, "bring one of your crazy friends". and does anyone want to go diving in egypt...or backpack asia? let me know.

oh hey, check out the pics...i have a twin here in australia. mom, dad, are you sure you didn't have two kids?! apparently people have gone up to her and mistaken her for me a couple times...hahahaha....

still loving australia, the people are awesome, and it's already time to start saying goodbyes (i'm not going to cry, i swear..) i can't believe that time is actually flying this quickly..


last night's potluck...and that's not me sitting on the left Posted by Hello

sonia, me and jenny...the good ol' days when going to the beach meant taking off your clothes Posted by Hello

Lena, Tine, and Sonja...getting cold in Sydney Posted by Hello

Georg: "People think I'm helping, but I'm not" Posted by Hello

Friday, June 03, 2005

last night

a summary:

kim: "knockknockwho's there" colin: "i dunno...who IS there?"
"stop banging on the pot and make me some spaghetti!"
"do you like to kiss?......do you like to kiss now?"
"and the other guy became a crack addict in tijuana...." "tijuana?" "tijuana" "tichchjcuana"
"i could have bought 500 dollars worth of wine instead of a visa"
"drunk on non-drunk touching"

byron bay:
looking at the "toilet is engaged" sign...."I wonder who proposed?"
"potato on potato action"