Wednesday, November 29, 2006

"Hello!" "Hello!" "Hello!"

sorry about the break in blogs...i'm going to post three now to make up for it...

Welcome to Kuching, little town in Malaysian Borneo...a fabulous little place that has few tourists, and seems to be unaffected by the tourist scene. In fact, we almost seem like novelties. Everywhere we go, we get bombarded by "hello"s and honking (polite, of course)...and an old man on the bus today who kept turning around to smile and stare at me on the long bus ride today...i would smile back...and he would keep smiling..and staring. sometimes i would open my eyes and catch him staring and he would quickly turn around... it was a fun game.
this town is really great, i'm staying in a little hostel that has running water (sometimes), lots of locks on the door, and pretty trusting owners (pay whenever!). The drivers are less crazy than Kuala Lumpur, but the lines on the roads are still simply guidelines, as are the pedestrian lights. People are extremely friendly, and (thank god) they don't hassle you when you go to the store). At lunch we stood dumbfoundedly in front of a food stall (there are no pictures here to accompany the menus on the wall...), and the nice lady who owns the stall chose a meal for us..and then some locals chatted with us for a while and let us try some local fruit they were eating (salty...weird). Hit up the weekend market and saw lots of crazy things...unrecognizable fruits, dogs for sale, pigeons going wholesale (i.e. 20 crammed into a cage). good times...then, off to a long house...


Unknown said...

Dogs for sale !!!!!!! I hope they meant for pets, not for people's stomach, yikes, yuck, i'm going to protest &&^$#%&((*^$%&*(. Interesting long house and long boat trip.

Unknown said...

That is so awesome Kim! 20 pigeons in a cage? hahaha