Saturday, February 12, 2005

it's been a long few weeks...

where to start? well, let me start with thanking all those who heard of my family news and emailed me. it was nice to read those emails when i got back from heron island. and for those who haven't heard, while i was at heron island my dad and uncle got into a car accident here in sydney. my uncle was killed, but my dad is okay with some nasty bruises. it's really sad because he was very young and a really good person with a good heart. it's a bit of a long story, but the funeral is done and we've said our goodbyes and the family is at peace. everyone is doing really well and on the bright side, we got to meet our family from all over the world. life is going on as normally as it can and we're all doing don't worry about me, i have my whole family here to chill with.

okay...going to start again in a new post with happy news of my travels.

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