Tuesday, March 22, 2005

some canadians i've met having a canadian toga party Posted by Hello

some random bay where there was no sand, but we could go snorkelling..! Posted by Hello

some random garden variety spiders (the webs reached from the ground up to the power lines above..i couldn't get far enough away to take the full pic) Posted by Hello

me and some mardi gras bunnies Posted by Hello

Sunday, March 20, 2005

sick wave dude

(this is a post i forgot to put up three weeks ago)

g'day mates...guess what i did this weekend? i bruised my foot, cut my knees, bashed my face, rashed up my arms and quads, and battered my muscles...all under the guise of surfing...it was AWESOME. and don't ask me if i can surf now, cause that' s a silly question. i can stand up on my board and catch waves...but i wouldn't call it surfing, per se. but...i'm well on my way.
on friday my friend came over so we could catch the surf bus together...unfortunately i locked myself out of the apartment (with no shoes and holding my sesame street toiletries bag...) and since my roomate is away (and we had to leave for surf camp in 30 minutes), i had to go to the neighbour and ask him to jump the balcony wall and break into the house via the balcony doors...however, when he opened the door he said, "no, i wont' do it for favours"...or somethign random like that...so me and my friends were standing there thinking, "what the heck is this guy talking about??"...anyways, i guess my roomate hadn't told him about me or something so this neighbour kept saying random things about not letting me in and how he wouldnt' do it. i was trying to be logical, telling him to just go into my room and see that i had id in there and clothes and stuff! anyways, after a little crazy talk he finally did it...and then 20 minutes later he came back to the flat..."to ask me for my name" (even though we had already traded names). he's a tad strange. teaches me to never lock myself out though...
anyways, surf camp was about 3 hours away (4.5 hours cause we stopped at convenience stores, bottle shops (LCBOs), and pubs on the way there and back). the camp itself wasn't actually at the beach..it was in a forested area that was somewhat swampy (i got mud on everything)...because there were more people than cabins, we slept in a teepee. yes, a honest-to-goodness teepee. it was awesome. especially since our only piece of technology (the lamp), burnt out the second night. no matter though, the company was good, the party was fun, and the surfing was incredibly kick ass. i would recommend it to anyone. except you in canada. i hear the waves are slushy there.

Wednesday, March 16, 2005

well...does it, or doesn't it??

to those who have been asking...

i would love to the answer the all important simpson's question (you know which one i'm talking about...), but the toilets actually don't flush properly here...well, they do flush and all (ew, what were you thinking??), but they kinda just explode in a cascade of water as opposed to swirling around nicely like they do at home.

and, even if it did flush properly, i still wouldnt' know if it was the opposite way from home...since i don't know which way it goes at home....do you know?? if you do, then i'd start evaluating your time and how well it's being spent...just kidding...kinda.

love you all,
even if you DO know the way water flushes...ESPECIALLY if you know the way water flushes.

"you got holes in your socks"..."these are my sleeping socks, my feet like a little air at night"

- million dollar baby.

tuesday nights are wonderful here in sydney! $5 dollar movies! woot! last week we went to see hitch...fairly typical romantic comedy...my favourite kind. he's no hugh grant, but will smith was alright. this week we saw million dollar baby...not what i expected at all, but better than i expected. had a little more depth than let's say...Rocky. 5 dollar movie night is also an excuse to GORGE yourself on candy. you're allowed to bring in food here so naturally we brought in a bag of chips, 2 packets of chocolate covered cookies (double layered chocolate Tim Tams and mint chocolate cookies...they really have to bring them to canada), and a huge chocolate bar. add that to the pizza, ice cream, and mousse we had just eaten at my house, and we've got a good night out.
house is still working out well...my roommate is this really cool guy who has his phd in art something and is currently curating an art show here in sydney...unfortunately our scheds don't mesh well so i only see him once every two or three days, but we leave each other messages to keep each other updated! he's actually leaving on thurs for month to go travelling and to do a job interview in singapore, so i have the place to myself.
which means another potluck. i can't remember if i mentioned this in earlier posts, but my last potluck was a bit of a mixed bag. i invited a whole bunch of europeans over to eat, and didn't realize that most of them didn't know what a "potluck" is...we had to give them some clarification, so the my next one will be wonderful. not that the last one wasn't...we ended up with one main dish (german noodly thingies...it was quite impressive since they decided to make the noodles themselves at my place without the right tools..i had the job of cutting the onions...with my snorkel goggles on since i can't handle onions...ashleigh, your trick with washing the onions first...it doesn't work.), and like, 6 desserts. which was okay. no one complained :)
on monday i went to a "canadian toga" party...which ended up being one girl wearing a toga, two people wearing canadian pins, me wearing my huge flag and giv'r shirt, 4 canadians, and 5 americans and germans. hahah...well, it was nice to meet some new people, anyways. the party ended up at a karaoke pub...which i can honestly say i'm not a huge fan of drunken karaoke, so i split early and went home.

alanna - my research project will hopefully be on skates...they look like sting rays, but it depends on whether or not they survive in the lab. i will be taking princip disease DE, so you can teach me everything i need to know!
stacey - hahaha, i have to say that snorkelling is a much healthier alternative to smoking, and i think i'll stick to the former. wait, does that mean the first one? well, if it doesn't, i mean snorkelling..not smoking.

as for my ten things about me...no one has gotten them all right...for good reason...i screwed up... there are actually 6 false things and 4 true things. my bad!!!

p.s. i'm really bad at speaking german. did you know that all the nouns are capitalized? i sure didn't...and when i was "reading" a german magazine i was thinking..."wow, there sure are a lot of Proper Nouns in here". the germans laughed at me.
p.p.s. roomies...i will try and call you at a good hour...i blame the 16 hour time difference. i seem to have class between 6pm and 10pm your time every day...poo! if not, i will continue leaving a series of message at 8:15 in the morning, just after you leave :P

Monday, March 14, 2005

English, who needs that...I'm never going to England

- Homer Simpson

well, hello everyone! where did my last blog end? i dont' remember...so let me just give you a quick rundown of the weekend. fri - saw some bands playing in this warehouse-converted-student housing, then went to marlborough bar, met up with a friend, on the way home saw some other friends, ended up sitting and talking til 4...woke up next morning and went to beach to snorkel. scorched in the sun and ate lots of fries. next day went diving and saw a HUGE (though they tell me it was only medium sized - who am i to argue?) cuttlefish. if you've never seen one of these things in real life, i'd suggest it. the cuttlefish had a liking for one of our divers and tried to mate with him for a while...cuttlefish change awesome colours really fast and look like really funny squid. good times. gotta love sydney - so easy to pop out and grab a drink with someone and any time of night...i use it to my advantage as much as possible

vick, we're not taking any classes together next semester! eeEEeEee. i'm doing comm ecology, polluted water something or other, and marine ecological processes. oh, and either the disease of aquatic animals (which means i can't play pick-up), or the DE princip. diseases (can't take it in class this semester)....and i'm doing a research project too, so i think that's a credit or two somewhere in there. ack. though, i barely have any class on monday and fri, so that would be kinda cool :)

hope everyone's weekend kicked ass...back to school tomorrow! (class in 15 mins for me!)

surfing next weekend...there's still time to grab a plane down here and join me!!!

Thursday, March 10, 2005

How To Raise Your IQ By Eating Gifted Children

hmmm...if i had a post-it-note i would write this on there...but, for lack of virtual post-it-note:

list #1: classes i am taking (for now...have been changed multiple times and may be changed some more)...in no particular order because i like them all.

1. archaeology (get to visit excavation sites)
2. ecophysiology (get to go on field trip...and make up my own experiments!)
3. drawing (working right side of brain...and enjoying it)
4. energy and the environment (tbd)

list #2: things i will be doing in the near future
1. going to the beach to teach my friends how to snorkel
2. going to the beach to dive with the scuba dive club
3. going to the beach to go surfing
4. going to the beach to do whatever it is normal people do at the beach.

list #3: cool things i have done in the past week
1. gone to the gayest (and i mean that in every form of the word) mardi gras i have ever gone to...and ever will.
2. swam in an olympic sized pool...and lived to tell the tale.
3. raced crabs at a bar..and subsequently ate salty donuts.
4. learnt german while sitting on the beach
5. had a really cool art class that involved being creative and whatnot
6. had a wonderful lunch at the fish market
7. saw Hitch for $5 at the movie theatre...and ate a large bag of sweet chili and sour cream chips
8. played volleyball
9. went to the medical museum and saw walls and walls of body parts..and a two headed child.

list #4: things i hope to get done this week
1. set up internet at my house...don't get excited...it's dial-up...and i have to pay by the mb (don't ask), so i may not be on too often
2. choose guelph courses...HELP (vick?)
3. have a successful potluck at my house
4. if internet isn't successful, then finding an internet cafe where i can upload and post my pics
5. have fun...have fun...and...have fun..


p.s. the subject of this posting comes from the title of a book by author Lewis Frumkes. i think i'll stick to fish.

Saturday, March 05, 2005

foiled again

signed up for a surfing tour....but tom found out that our field trip in vertebrate actually falls on the same weekend...bah. so, must try another weekend...again! don't worry...i WILL get out on the waves..on a surf board.
speaking of waves, i was at the beach all day yesterday. i went to coogee during the day and then went home and took a shower...then found out that some people were going to bondi...so i went with them and sat on the dark beach and watched the beautiful waves and there was lightning on the horizon. so very surreal. it was really quite amazing.

Friday, March 04, 2005

cloud number 9

life here just keeps getting better and better.

first, before i forget, my address..

2-12 Smail St., Unit 507
Ultimo, New South Wales
2007 (this is the postal code!)

and i have a phone number, but i probably shouldn't post that, so email me if you want it!

okay, so recently i've been trying to get involved (one of my favouritist things..), so i'm currently part of the ultimate, scuba diving, volleyball, circus (how fun is that?) clubs. unfortunately you have to pay a members fee to become a member, so i couldnt' join all the ones i wanted too! there were so many...it was unbelievable. name it, it was there.
i moved into my new place and it is crazy awesome. i probably have said this already. let me say it again...crazy awesome. and, in addition to all this happiness, i am now playing volleyball ALL THE TIME. woooot. and, i'm playing for the university's team!!!!! it's really different down here...much more relaxed cause vball isn't a big sport down here (who would've thought?), so it's only two practices a week (at 6am..!) and then tons of other chances to just play or mess around or practice a couple others times a week. and it's not scheduled games...we play tournaments and uni games (which is the big thing around here) in july...so i've found my vball fix. yesterday only 4 girls showed up, so we played with the guys...just like old times...except these guys have australian accents ;)
it's hard getting used to cooking for one...i accidently bought 1kg of chicken and then realized at home that there's no way i can use that much...luckily it's freezable! my roomie and i haven't seen much of each other cause we seem to have diff schedules...or maybe it's cause i'm always out...so many things to do still! last night i saw the incredibles out on the lawn at school...great movie...especially the last half. still not as good as mighty ducks though :)
played some ultimate and ate some free pizza yesterday...was supposed to go to a talk about black holes, but i missed up...probably would've had no idea what the guy was talking about anyways! though, according to paul, time and space reverse...i think. i never really understood it...
not having internet is strangely liberating...i don't think i'm going ot even bother trying to get it at home...and i kinda like this cafe feel...is that weird? i feel like i get out more..like, if i want to go on the internet, i must walk down the street...and it's wonderful. maybe that's just cause i'm in a good mood...i'll keep you updated,

love you all!

Wednesday, March 02, 2005

volleyball high

i guess most of you will have no idea what i'm talking about, but i'm thinking my vball peeps will know exactly what i mean (vick...miranda...). i just played volleyball after not playing for two and half months and i played tonight for two hours and i'm actually in heaven. happiest i've been for a long time...and i've been pretty happy recently!! not only that, i get to wake up at 5am tomorrow and go play some more at 6-8am. i think i'm going to tryout for the varsity team...if not, then definitely play for the tier two team. we did DRILLS today...yes miranda, DRILLS. volleyball definitely works differently here and even the pick up type organizations do an hour of drills then play....so awesome. i'm in heaven. i'm also out of shape...!! anyways, i just popped into an internet cafe to write this on the way home from VOLLEYBALL. emphatic woot woot.

miss you all a little less now that volleyball has filled your void...just kidding.

p.s. i spent $1.50 just to write this entry. that's how excited i am about this.

the big day

today i move! yay! however, i dont' have internet at my new place, so i may not be on for a bit...cafes are pretty cheap here, so i may pop on for an hour every once in a while..not to worry, i promise to keep in touch. and post my new address so everyone can send me care packages...kidding..kinda..
