Friday, March 04, 2005

cloud number 9

life here just keeps getting better and better.

first, before i forget, my address..

2-12 Smail St., Unit 507
Ultimo, New South Wales
2007 (this is the postal code!)

and i have a phone number, but i probably shouldn't post that, so email me if you want it!

okay, so recently i've been trying to get involved (one of my favouritist things..), so i'm currently part of the ultimate, scuba diving, volleyball, circus (how fun is that?) clubs. unfortunately you have to pay a members fee to become a member, so i couldnt' join all the ones i wanted too! there were so was unbelievable. name it, it was there.
i moved into my new place and it is crazy awesome. i probably have said this already. let me say it again...crazy awesome. and, in addition to all this happiness, i am now playing volleyball ALL THE TIME. woooot. and, i'm playing for the university's team!!!!! it's really different down here...much more relaxed cause vball isn't a big sport down here (who would've thought?), so it's only two practices a week (at 6am..!) and then tons of other chances to just play or mess around or practice a couple others times a week. and it's not scheduled games...we play tournaments and uni games (which is the big thing around here) in i've found my vball fix. yesterday only 4 girls showed up, so we played with the guys...just like old times...except these guys have australian accents ;)
it's hard getting used to cooking for one...i accidently bought 1kg of chicken and then realized at home that there's no way i can use that much...luckily it's freezable! my roomie and i haven't seen much of each other cause we seem to have diff schedules...or maybe it's cause i'm always many things to do still! last night i saw the incredibles out on the lawn at school...great movie...especially the last half. still not as good as mighty ducks though :)
played some ultimate and ate some free pizza yesterday...was supposed to go to a talk about black holes, but i missed up...probably would've had no idea what the guy was talking about anyways! though, according to paul, time and space reverse...i think. i never really understood it...
not having internet is strangely liberating...i don't think i'm going ot even bother trying to get it at home...and i kinda like this cafe that weird? i feel like i get out, if i want to go on the internet, i must walk down the street...and it's wonderful. maybe that's just cause i'm in a good mood...i'll keep you updated,

love you all!

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