Wednesday, March 16, 2005

well...does it, or doesn't it??

to those who have been asking...

i would love to the answer the all important simpson's question (you know which one i'm talking about...), but the toilets actually don't flush properly here...well, they do flush and all (ew, what were you thinking??), but they kinda just explode in a cascade of water as opposed to swirling around nicely like they do at home.

and, even if it did flush properly, i still wouldnt' know if it was the opposite way from home...since i don't know which way it goes at you know?? if you do, then i'd start evaluating your time and how well it's being spent...just kidding...kinda.

love you all,
even if you DO know the way water flushes...ESPECIALLY if you know the way water flushes.


Unknown said...

well, i dont know which way it goes unless down counts... but i did finally update my blog for you =) i had coffee with kathie today and she says hullo =) its mini egg season here, do they have those in oz? hopefully i'll catch you on skype sometime =)

Sarah said...

Hi Kim!!
Wow, has it been a long time since I talked to you. Nothing is new here...I have exciting summer plans- plant work in California! From what I know I will be really roughing it. I asked the prof about facilities and he just laughed (is that a good sign?) Anyway, I am so glad you are having the time of your life. Hope to hear more from you soon!