Sunday, March 20, 2005

sick wave dude

(this is a post i forgot to put up three weeks ago)

g'day mates...guess what i did this weekend? i bruised my foot, cut my knees, bashed my face, rashed up my arms and quads, and battered my muscles...all under the guise of was AWESOME. and don't ask me if i can surf now, cause that' s a silly question. i can stand up on my board and catch waves...but i wouldn't call it surfing, per se. but...i'm well on my way.
on friday my friend came over so we could catch the surf bus together...unfortunately i locked myself out of the apartment (with no shoes and holding my sesame street toiletries bag...) and since my roomate is away (and we had to leave for surf camp in 30 minutes), i had to go to the neighbour and ask him to jump the balcony wall and break into the house via the balcony doors...however, when he opened the door he said, "no, i wont' do it for favours"...or somethign random like me and my friends were standing there thinking, "what the heck is this guy talking about??"...anyways, i guess my roomate hadn't told him about me or something so this neighbour kept saying random things about not letting me in and how he wouldnt' do it. i was trying to be logical, telling him to just go into my room and see that i had id in there and clothes and stuff! anyways, after a little crazy talk he finally did it...and then 20 minutes later he came back to the flat..."to ask me for my name" (even though we had already traded names). he's a tad strange. teaches me to never lock myself out though...
anyways, surf camp was about 3 hours away (4.5 hours cause we stopped at convenience stores, bottle shops (LCBOs), and pubs on the way there and back). the camp itself wasn't actually at the was in a forested area that was somewhat swampy (i got mud on everything)...because there were more people than cabins, we slept in a teepee. yes, a honest-to-goodness teepee. it was awesome. especially since our only piece of technology (the lamp), burnt out the second night. no matter though, the company was good, the party was fun, and the surfing was incredibly kick ass. i would recommend it to anyone. except you in canada. i hear the waves are slushy there.

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