Monday, March 14, 2005

English, who needs that...I'm never going to England

- Homer Simpson

well, hello everyone! where did my last blog end? i dont' let me just give you a quick rundown of the weekend. fri - saw some bands playing in this warehouse-converted-student housing, then went to marlborough bar, met up with a friend, on the way home saw some other friends, ended up sitting and talking til 4...woke up next morning and went to beach to snorkel. scorched in the sun and ate lots of fries. next day went diving and saw a HUGE (though they tell me it was only medium sized - who am i to argue?) cuttlefish. if you've never seen one of these things in real life, i'd suggest it. the cuttlefish had a liking for one of our divers and tried to mate with him for a while...cuttlefish change awesome colours really fast and look like really funny squid. good times. gotta love sydney - so easy to pop out and grab a drink with someone and any time of night...i use it to my advantage as much as possible

vick, we're not taking any classes together next semester! eeEEeEee. i'm doing comm ecology, polluted water something or other, and marine ecological processes. oh, and either the disease of aquatic animals (which means i can't play pick-up), or the DE princip. diseases (can't take it in class this semester)....and i'm doing a research project too, so i think that's a credit or two somewhere in there. ack. though, i barely have any class on monday and fri, so that would be kinda cool :)

hope everyone's weekend kicked ass...back to school tomorrow! (class in 15 mins for me!)

surfing next weekend...there's still time to grab a plane down here and join me!!!

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