Wednesday, March 16, 2005

"you got holes in your socks"..."these are my sleeping socks, my feet like a little air at night"

- million dollar baby.

tuesday nights are wonderful here in sydney! $5 dollar movies! woot! last week we went to see hitch...fairly typical romantic favourite kind. he's no hugh grant, but will smith was alright. this week we saw million dollar baby...not what i expected at all, but better than i expected. had a little more depth than let's say...Rocky. 5 dollar movie night is also an excuse to GORGE yourself on candy. you're allowed to bring in food here so naturally we brought in a bag of chips, 2 packets of chocolate covered cookies (double layered chocolate Tim Tams and mint chocolate cookies...they really have to bring them to canada), and a huge chocolate bar. add that to the pizza, ice cream, and mousse we had just eaten at my house, and we've got a good night out.
house is still working out roommate is this really cool guy who has his phd in art something and is currently curating an art show here in sydney...unfortunately our scheds don't mesh well so i only see him once every two or three days, but we leave each other messages to keep each other updated! he's actually leaving on thurs for month to go travelling and to do a job interview in singapore, so i have the place to myself.
which means another potluck. i can't remember if i mentioned this in earlier posts, but my last potluck was a bit of a mixed bag. i invited a whole bunch of europeans over to eat, and didn't realize that most of them didn't know what a "potluck" is...we had to give them some clarification, so the my next one will be wonderful. not that the last one wasn't...we ended up with one main dish (german noodly was quite impressive since they decided to make the noodles themselves at my place without the right tools..i had the job of cutting the onions...with my snorkel goggles on since i can't handle onions...ashleigh, your trick with washing the onions doesn't work.), and like, 6 desserts. which was okay. no one complained :)
on monday i went to a "canadian toga" party...which ended up being one girl wearing a toga, two people wearing canadian pins, me wearing my huge flag and giv'r shirt, 4 canadians, and 5 americans and germans. hahah...well, it was nice to meet some new people, anyways. the party ended up at a karaoke pub...which i can honestly say i'm not a huge fan of drunken karaoke, so i split early and went home.

alanna - my research project will hopefully be on skates...they look like sting rays, but it depends on whether or not they survive in the lab. i will be taking princip disease DE, so you can teach me everything i need to know!
stacey - hahaha, i have to say that snorkelling is a much healthier alternative to smoking, and i think i'll stick to the former. wait, does that mean the first one? well, if it doesn't, i mean snorkelling..not smoking.

as for my ten things about one has gotten them all right...for good reason...i screwed up... there are actually 6 false things and 4 true things. my bad!!!

p.s. i'm really bad at speaking german. did you know that all the nouns are capitalized? i sure didn't...and when i was "reading" a german magazine i was thinking..."wow, there sure are a lot of Proper Nouns in here". the germans laughed at me.
p.p.s. roomies...i will try and call you at a good hour...i blame the 16 hour time difference. i seem to have class between 6pm and 10pm your time every day...poo! if not, i will continue leaving a series of message at 8:15 in the morning, just after you leave :P

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