Thursday, March 10, 2005

How To Raise Your IQ By Eating Gifted Children

hmmm...if i had a post-it-note i would write this on there...but, for lack of virtual post-it-note:

list #1: classes i am taking (for now...have been changed multiple times and may be changed some more) no particular order because i like them all.

1. archaeology (get to visit excavation sites)
2. ecophysiology (get to go on field trip...and make up my own experiments!)
3. drawing (working right side of brain...and enjoying it)
4. energy and the environment (tbd)

list #2: things i will be doing in the near future
1. going to the beach to teach my friends how to snorkel
2. going to the beach to dive with the scuba dive club
3. going to the beach to go surfing
4. going to the beach to do whatever it is normal people do at the beach.

list #3: cool things i have done in the past week
1. gone to the gayest (and i mean that in every form of the word) mardi gras i have ever gone to...and ever will.
2. swam in an olympic sized pool...and lived to tell the tale.
3. raced crabs at a bar..and subsequently ate salty donuts.
4. learnt german while sitting on the beach
5. had a really cool art class that involved being creative and whatnot
6. had a wonderful lunch at the fish market
7. saw Hitch for $5 at the movie theatre...and ate a large bag of sweet chili and sour cream chips
8. played volleyball
9. went to the medical museum and saw walls and walls of body parts..and a two headed child.

list #4: things i hope to get done this week
1. set up internet at my house...don't get's dial-up...and i have to pay by the mb (don't ask), so i may not be on too often
2. choose guelph courses...HELP (vick?)
3. have a successful potluck at my house
4. if internet isn't successful, then finding an internet cafe where i can upload and post my pics
5. have fun...have fun...and...have fun..


p.s. the subject of this posting comes from the title of a book by author Lewis Frumkes. i think i'll stick to fish.

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