Monday, January 03, 2005

feels like home...with a lot more asian people..

well, just met all of my family...and there are lot of them..!! family structure here is really different...everyone calls elders "aunty" or "uncle" out of respect (no need for names..makes it easier for me!), and family lives close to each other (my grandma lives in the upstairs part of the apartment, and two of my uncles and their family live downstairs). and, aunties and uncles are really involved in the families' lives (i.e. pick up the kids from school, etc.) my grandma is 85 years old and still going strong!! i don't understand anything she says, but everyone else in singapore speaks english. at first i thought some words she was using sounded like spanish...i was wrong.
it's so in singapore all the guys have to do at least 2 years of military service...and everyone seems to like it so much...a whole bunch of my cousins (male and female) have actually gone into the military, navy, etc. after university. can you imagine if they forced us weak young canadians to do the same thing?

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