Monday, January 03, 2005

getting lost

went for my first walk with my dad...not used to wearing sandals...ow.
the weather has been wonderful...only 25-ish cause of the rain (mostly at night). apparently this is the coolest weather they get all year...i wore a tank top today and my grandma told me to put on something amused me greatly...needless to say, i didn't change. i saw someone wearing a sweater though. no comment.
the food is incredibly cheap here...2 dollars (singaporean..which is like, 1.50 for us) for a meal. it's a smaller meal, but fills you up quite nicely. they love eating...there are hundreds of food stands, and all outside (why not, it's so warm!) my dad says that there's not much to do, so they just eat all the time...that's my idea of living!! in addition to food, the people here love their cars...BMWs, mercedes...they're's kinda surreal, cause you can drive into a suburban type area with tiny, somewhat older and run down houses, but see nice cars parked in front of every one. and each morning when i look out my grandma's huge window (pic to come), i see everyone washing their cars...crazy. and cars aren't cheap...a honda can run you over 100 thou!!!

other observations: no beggars anywhere...or none that are noticeable..perhaps cause they can dress nicer because clothes are SOOO cheap, or it's not socially acceptable, or because government has actually built affordable housing. i'm not sure...i'll have to research it.
no right of way for pedestrians. oh, and they drive on the wrong side, so i always look the wrong way before crossing (guess that's why they teach you to look both ways).
houses are really different (pics to come)
a sign at the subway that says "no durians". funny, because durian is a fruit, albeit (?) a very smelly's one of those things that you either love or hate.

1 comment:

Kim O. said...

al, good theory...i actually asked about it today and found out that food stalls are a pretty hot commodity and rent for a spot can cost from $2000 dollars a month to a couple hundred thousand for really hot spots...crazy, eh?