Monday, January 10, 2005

mish mash

shoot...lost all that i just wrote...too lazy to write it

1. in australia
2. went to a night safari in singapore...very cool
3. summary of singapore: eat, sleep, work, shop. good place to visit, but the fast paced structured lifestyle doesn't work with my way of living.
4. in australia.
5. the place is beautiful, but i haven't got to meet the people...only my family. my cousins (two guys, 17 and 19, and one girl, 23) seem cool, we chatter earlier, but i think we're really different people...their lifestyle is also super different...much more school oriented. everyone in my family who is in my generation have (or currently are) going to school for stuff like medecine, computers, or pharmaceuticals. except for one cousin here, jonathan, who is doing music (he wants to be a piano performer and go to juilliard after uni...and i think he probably will..), so that's pretty sweet...he's really good. in singapore they couldn't really understand why i wanted to take marine bio...i don't think it's a "real" degree in their eyes. when i told my cousin that i may do a master's degree, he said, "oh yes, you can do a business degree". i gave up.

p.s. for those who keep asking, my uog. email still works. keep 'em coming. and for those that didn't leave an address while i was in singapore...too bad, you're not getting that extra postcard!

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