Wednesday, January 19, 2005


who would've thought hitting a ball with a stick would've been so hard? i mean, baseball isn't that hard, and hockey isn't that hard, but dammit, golf is just beyond me.

didn't keep score, but on a 9 hole course i managed to hit 3 trees, 2 swamps, 1 house (it went over the mesh fency made quite the sound), and i tripped over my bag once. i managed to roll it to the green a couple times...and even get the ball in the hole 9 times...

good times, i think i might even try again...

visited olympic park yesterday...went to the driving range (much more fruitful than the golfing course). walked around, pretended to be an olympic athlete...

speaking of spiders...(thanks for reminding me keegan), there was a HUGE huntsman spider on the wall in the house. i took a picture and will show you all later on...not only was it massive, but it was carrying an egg sac. NOT COOL. they say you eat 8 spiders in your sleep over your god, if i woke up and i had that things legs in my teeth when i woke up i think i'd have to kill myself. or drink disinfectant or something. ugh.

still haven't read all the emails...i'm sorry...i will do it by...tomorrow. oh, and postcards start going out tomorrow! if you haven't already, leave your address :)


1 comment:

Unknown said...

hey you! i think golf has something against you. you seem to have the worst golf luck ever - like when you broke the ball collector =) oh well, i vote keep playing so that you'll have more great stories! you may be amused to know that in the game i've got a pet rabbit, which is highly amusing since i'm tiny and so he comes up to my waist! not that i've played in a week, but i think you'd find it funny. i'm not so sure about this spider story.... i was sure i'd have nightmares, my mum was even freaking out when she read it! anywho, hope you didn't swallow any.
keep living it up!