Friday, January 14, 2005

what have i done?!

i don't know how my memory is...i feel like i've been in australia for months. how long has it been? somebody help me...oh my, it's been 5 days. is it bad that i can't remember what i've done?

it's harder to make posts about australia because there aren't as many things to's not really like canada at all (don't believe you when they tell you it's like canada), but there really aren't that many differences that are worth noting. the weather is hot, the trees are exotic, and the (captive) animals are wonky, but apart from that, it's almost...boring. except that it isn't at all. sydney is very ...cosmopolitan. i hear that word time and time again. i'm actually not really sure what it means, but i think that they've ingrained it in my mind and it's the only word i can think of. google defines it as "found worldwide". isn't really found worldwide so i'm still in the dark.

pro: there are always things for tourists to do (many harbours to visit, shops (millions) to shop, food places to eat food, activities, festivals, zoos, etc etc etc.)
con: there are always things to do...if you're a tourist. I think that after a while i'm going to run out of things...and these are the kinds of things that, once you've seen them, you probably won't go back.

pro: the weather is great
con: the weather is sometimes too great (my dad is a lobster from a day at the beach)

pro: there are lots of ethnic foods
con: a lot of the ethnic groups seem segregated (but maybe i'm wrong, maybe those groups are i see are just tourists..a very real possibility.)

pro: there are lots of artsy things going on
con: the artsy things often cost a gabillion dollars.

and the list continues...later.

so i've gone to sydney harbour (opera house and bridge), darling harbour ( and touristy stuff), sydney aquarium (no pufferfish!), taronga zoo (emus), botanical gardens (plants...duh), random walk around sydney (with tom), the rocks (where they used to keep prisoners and is now a shopping place...surprise surprise), bondi beach (waves and oceans rock) a million shops (where i haven't bought much...except for a toy emu.), uhhh...oh, and i've eaten LOTS of seafood. probably because there is a lot of sea around here.

does anyone have any questions?

perhaps you would like to hear some of the lingo. i will post the words and you guys can guess what they mean. this will be fun

mobile, jumper, lift, Mackers, snags, skivvies, sunnies..can't think of anymore more...but i assure you, there are more.

okay, so i'm doing pretty well...i walk every day, and i take...PUBLIC TRANSPORT. *gasp* so, basically my legs are tired and my shoes are sticky.

i miss you guys!

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