Monday, January 03, 2005

touring the island

travelled around the island (being singapore...for those of you that don't know, singapore is a city and a country...and an island...confused me too). my dad's old friend kok yuen drove us around. i ate 3 meals by the time noon rolled around. oh, and i noticed that my ring wasn't coming off my finger...apparently us canadians are used to the dry weather and when we get put into this humid weather (and believe me, it's humid), our bodies absorb water and retain EVERYTHING. my dad tells me my ankles are going to start bloating...awesome. it's so humid here my books are doing that crinkly thing, you know, when you bring them into the bathroom for a hot bath or something (or maybe you don't know), and my hair never dries after a shower, and never does that kinky thing after you put it up and take it down (again, maybe you don't know..just trust me on this does in canada).

anyways, we went to this island resort area that is kinda touristy know, dolphin shows, etc. didn't really do anything, but we did see peacock, horse, monitor lizard, and monkey crossings, which amused me to no limit. didn't see any monkeys though, despite staring up into the trees the whole way (which was difficult since i was in a van with no back windows...) oh, they were doing construction there, and the scaffolding is all made out of bamboo, or some sort of's so crazy, apparently it's safer than steel because it has so much give...a little too much give if you ask me!

everything here is so cheap (well, apart from housing and cars...). all the people seem to do here is shop and eat...there are so many shopping malls and markets and food's crazy. went to a 6 (maybe more) storey mall that just had electronics stores...that's it...electronics...the same thing over and over again..and it was full...even the 6th floor...everyone here has a cell phone, or a blackberry, and a handfree headset that just goes over one ear...and a lot of kids have those shoes that double as skates...very weird to see 9 year olds flying past the mall. it all seems very impersonal...but perhaps that's cause i'm not a huge fan of technology.

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