Saturday, January 08, 2005

new news to me...

miranda, vick, boudy, maggie...

heard about your house...can i do anything to help? i know it's quite useless, me being a million miles away, but maybe i can send a funny picture to brighten up the walls or fax a kiwi or something? i hear they're quite compact.

miss you guys, and remember, if you need (the bird, not the fruit... cause faxing the fruit would just be plain messy).

1 comment:

Kim O. said...

miranda, sorry it was so hard to figure out...did you want me to post on your blog, or just respond here? hahaha, you were baked when you did this, weren't you? i'm so confused.

how was your cruise?!??!! tell all!

jesus, i miss volleyball...i don't think they know what it is here...i'll do my best to make it back for the game on monday. what's our team name?