Monday, January 24, 2005

a little more...

miranda: you're right, gabillion is NOT a word...however, give me some artistic freedom, will ya? as for making out with cousins...i think you have australia mixed up with southern USA. and, i will not be in guelph for the summer :( i will be here, doing school...and i will be back around august 22nd...(well, that's when i leave australia, and the time change will screw around with some things, so i think i actually end up getting back on the 22nd too...wouldn't it be wonderful if i got back on the 21st?) and then i'll be coming back to guelph soon after that!! how i miss guelph...

laura: yes, golf DOES hate me. but that's besides the point. my dad is buying a set when i get back, so maybe i'll be able to hit the ball soon! that'll be for your pet rabbit, i thought that you ACTUALLY got a rabbit...and it was half your size...and it ate bailey...that may have turned out badly. i get it now.
syd: welcome to my blogger...what's your address? (leave me one... unless you don't want a postcard :) ).
jon: i'm sorry i haven't been keeping up...when i start school i will do my best since i'm sure i'll go back to my late night days. and thanks for the wonderful books...i finished franny and zooey, and i must agree, i enjoy salinger's style...i've just started hotel new hampshire and am so far enjoying it too...

on that note...for anyone who plans to read a fine balance (i'm never trusting you again meg ;) ) only read if you want a really depressing story that lasts a pretty long time. i've warned you. damn you oprah.

meggie: condolences for your loss of green the bright side, they can't be anything worse than VEGEMITE....the bane of my eating existence. in singapore i didn't see any cars racing...mostly due to the fact that the roads are too small and busy to do anything. it's really quite sad..and a waste of money. it's mostly for status, i think. i will do my best to bring you back shoe/skates or that beer thingy...unfortunately, i've already left singapore and i don't know if they will fit in my already PACKED suitcase..i think some thigns will have to be shipped back via sea. they say WTF fact, more than we do. i will do my best to say it more and hold up our good canadian name.

al: it's not as humid here, only when it rains, and it doesn't rain that often. in fact, it's hot during the day and it gets quite cool at's quite lovely. i miss potluck!

missing people even more!! i actually am going to write my email responses today...i think...

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