Sunday, January 02, 2005

go singapore airlines..

wow. advice to all...take singapore airlines...EVERYWHERE. unless you want to sleep...then take one of those other airlines...
you get unlimited alcohol, and everyone gets their own TV, and on that tv there are 60 movies to choose from, a whole bunch of tv shows, games (the tv controller doubles as a game controller), music, ETC ETC ETC. i didn't even get through it all. in fact, i passed out most of the way...i watched half of about 4 movies, and maybe 2 full ones.
the flight took 24 really wasn't that bad...which means that everyone should come visit me. you can stay with me...if you can handle it.

thanks to everyone for all the advice
- chris, i will definitely go to games...i hear they're pretty rowdy..and i'll definitely be coming back with an accent...even if i have to fake it when i get for veggiemite...i don't know what it is, but it sounds somewhat disgusting...but if tell me to try it, I WILL! keep studying hard man, and get out more...i thought you fell off the face of the planet last semester!
- Al, I solemnly swear to sleep as little as shouldn't be too hard, once i get over this jet lag! i want to do everything! and, i will try and get a picture of a long as it promises to not eat my babies (who hasn't heard that one before...*cough*). i'll make sure to say hello to all of nemo's family (distant as they may be). i also promise to not study...unless it's about something really interesting...perhaps...marine biology?! WOOT!! miss you hun...don't forget to party for me!
- stace, i won't challenge the kangaroos to a game of leapfrog...maybe boxing? i hear they'd be a good challenge. i will DEFINITELY be adopting an accent. it may sound like a terrible mix of british/canadian/god knows what, but TOO BAD. and everyone has to pretend it's cool when i get back. as for missing you too much, you know i the only solution is for you to come visit so that i won't have to miss you!

...sorry you guys had to get an account..i'm not sure how to change that, but if anyone has any ideas, please share. can start your own blog and i can keep up with your lives!! :D no? FINE.

miss you all, keep the advice coming!

1 comment:

Kim O. said...

hahaha, thanks for the warning al....maybe i'll like it? or not. i'll keep you updated when i have my veggemite experience.