Tuesday, January 04, 2005


went for a run this morning...it was so peaceful. the sounds are so different here (lots of things going on in people's back yards), as are the trees! so much cooler...ashleigh, i'll have to take some pictures so you can identify them :P my dad tells me that some of the trees are coconut trees, but the coconuts are yellow and not fuzzy! is that how they look on the outside???
my dad is sick. looks like we ate too much yesterday (i think the total count was 6 meals or something stupid like that). it's been decided that i should move to my cousin's house to stay there for the rest of the trip...i'm now there, and it's so different. it's a resort. i mean, it's condo, but there are 3 pools just outside the door, and hut tubs and security guards, and a gym, and a golf thing and palm trees...and wow. tried out the gym and pool, but ran inside when it starting getting really windy and chairs started blowing around...eep! chilled with the family, went with my aunty to the market to buy food (and an adapter, so i could use my laptop!). ate more. went to bed early (apparently still a little jet lagged...and this weather plus copious amounts of food makes me want to sleep ALL THE TIME).
not much wildlife here...buildings take over the grass. i've only actually seen one type of bird...(mynmar, i think), apart from the peacocks i saw at sentosa resort (not very friendly). no squirrels, not even many bugs...it's a little sad.

anyways, how is everyone doing back home? please keep writing!! if these posts are getting too long i can start rating them or something and you can read the most important stuff :)

can't wait to hear from EVERYONE.


Unknown said...

Hey kim!! sounds like you're having a super awesome time! whats all this food you keep talking about like? you're making me hungry. I was wondrin which email account you can check from there if any? anywho keep up the fun times and take tons of pictures
love ya

Kim O. said...

laura, the food here is...wow, i don't even know how to explain it cause there is SOOOOO much. indian, cantonese, malay, viet etc. etc. etc....there is this wonderful thing called satay (i'm sure some of you have had it), which is just meat on a stick..but so good, and there are lots of soup type noodles (i suggest laksa or mee siam to anyone coming...it's the first thing people suggest when i ask for foods to eat). as for email address, i still use kong@uoguelph.ca :) miss you hun, i'll try and start using skype as soon as i get to australia.

stacey, i'm thinking that you shouldn't smuggle anything because i hear they chop off hands or make you eat veggemite or something here in singapore. but it was a nice thought :) and thanks for the 20 lbs warning...so far i think i'm doing okay since i gained 20 lbs the first two days, and then lost 30 in the last 2 days due to being sick...and not being hungry...i know guys, it's weird, but i haven't been hungry...it's quite a new experience for me...i've ALWAYS been able to eat if food gets put down in front of me...but now...food goes down and...nothing. hopefully that changes today so i can sample more singapore cuisine!
thanks for the messages stace (btw, for those who have asked, this is my friend stacey from ottawa who is one of the funniest people i've ever met), they brighten my day!