Saturday, January 08, 2005

no posts on the 6th because...

i was sick! yes ladies and gentlemen, despite all your wonderful advice i STILL got fact, i got the exact same thing my dad did, which leads me to believe that he gave it to me (or so i like to tell him). no worries though...i just couldn't sleep for a night, but the next day i slept for 17 hours straight! and today i was a normal functioning person. who went shopping.

i'm still amazed with the dependency singaporeans have on technology. they use text messaging here like we use...i dunno...something that we use without thinking...our heart (never been so good at the similes...someone wanna help me out)? anyways, my point is that .. what was my point? ah yes...this morning i was listening to the radio (playing the oh so popular bsb song "i want it that way"...and if you don't know what bsb stands for, then you're a much better person than i am) and the DJs were having a chat about a hospital visit one of them made. while in the hospital the doctor suddenly had to leave on an emergency, so he was told to go resched with the nurse. so, he went downstairs and spoke with the nurse and rescheduled. and then...(here is the amazing part)...the other DJ said "why didn't you just SMS [text message] the nurse and resched.?" and he was serious. dead serious. and no one else in the car (who was singaporean) seemed to think that was weird. what the hell? does anyone else find that kinda sad? he was in the same freakin' building. oh, and you get SPAM on your phone...i got a voice message on my phone (my family makes me carry it around...and people insist on calling at the most inoppurtune soon as i wake up, at meals, in the changeroom, whilst talking to the president of singapore...okay, maybe not the latter, but i'm sure if i had the oppurtunity to talk to the president, they would call at that moment in time)...oh yes, the voice message. as soon as i noticed and asked how to get it, my cousin tells me not to bother because it's prob just spam. what is this world coming to? does that happen in canada yet? cell phones are evil. (oh yeah, i thought of another thing...someone told me that their phone plan is for 100 hours a month, and it's not uncommon to go over the limit. i wonder if that long is spent talking face to face with real people too. if i calculate 9 hours of sleep a night, 5 hours for eating in a day, 2 hours for showering and getting ready (all presumably not talking to someone), 2 hours of travelling alone (as many singaporeans seem to do), plus working alone and miscellaneous errands (let's say 5 hours), then we're left with 80 hours a month...and since 100 of those hours are used to talk on the cell phone, then we're actually at minus 20 hours to have a real conversation. okay, i'll give you some overlap with talking during work or eating, or sleeping, if you're so inclined, but you've got to admit, the logic is flawless....absolutely flawless.)

anyways, today was shopping. for dinner my dad and i met up with an old friend. we used to live with him, and then he lived with us, and then he left us and came back to singapore. and we haven't really seen or talked to him since (this was 11 years ago). regardless, it was great to see him again, i still remember him (impressive, since i can barely remember what i did today...i actually have to jot things down as i do them or i forget). the dinner was also wonderful...good seafood..the only complaint was when they asked me if i wanted emu. i emphatically said, "no." oh, and shark fin soup...which i used to love, until i saw videos of how they kill the sharks. which is why i now avoid any of those documentaries on how they kill other animals and those about KFC chickens and whatnot...ignorance is bliss they say.

oh's two AM and i've gone on and on again. guess i better post those pictures i promised, eh?

1 comment:

Kim O. said...

hehehe, this is true, al, i didn't think of it...easier to see problems with other people's lives that our own, eh?